Sensitivity Reading Services by Reading Experts Hire Sensitive reading services With Writer Cosmos. Call Now

Sensitivity Reading Service

We assess written content and provide suggestions for enhancing the image of minorities. We also help you protect the rights of less privileged readers to appreciate your works without bias and unfavorable stereotypes.

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Sensitivity Reading Services Reveal The Reality By Avoiding Prejudices

A new wave of diverse books is being published each year; authors are eager to write stories inclusive of marginalized identities and address complex issues. This is an exciting time in publishing. However, it can be difficult for those without firsthand knowledge of these identities and topics to write a representation that captures their nuance. Writers can benefit from the sensitivity reader consultations from WriterCosmos, who read manuscripts with a specific identity or issue in mind and offer feedback on how it is represented.


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Hire A Sensitivity Reader To Reach Your Goals

Our sensitivity reader services have an excellent understanding of different genres, which makes our clients stress-free for their publishing. Book, novel, or manuscript – you name it, we take care of your editing and rewriting needs along with maintaining the standards. Let your book become a reader's favorite with our sensitivity reader consultations.

Authors sometimes don't know they need to hire a Sensitivity Reader until the writing is nearly finished. However, it is best to talk to such a reader before you start writing or making reports. Having a sensitive reader provide early feedback can help authors learn about essential facts, issues, or perspectives that help shape a piece when the primary structural framing is problematic.


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Our Sensitivity Reading Services Are The Best In Town

It is plausible to have a compensated talk about the parts of your work that do not carry the same level of depth and complexity as another person's intellect. This conversation can take place in a reciprocal setting. This is not the approach you should use if you want to write an objective book; however, it is the first step toward approaching your work with honesty, clarity, and thoughtfulness.


One Of The Kind Sensitivity Reading Service

Writing can become a double-edged sword, and none of us is exempt from making mistakes, so employing sensitivity readers can be the solution. Where do we find sensibility readers, though? Can your cousin, the one who is a lawyer, read your book about a black girl with Asperger's Syndrome and tell you if she is well-represented? Well, hire sensitivity reading services at WriterCosmos since we have an updated directory of sensitive readers.
Our sensitive readers know the subject and how to accurately assess their representation in a fictional book. The work of a sensitive reader is necessary when it comes to getting the most out of a piece.
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Our Sensitivity Reader Consultations include:

  • Identifying categories of sensitivities and assigning a specific reader to it
  • Providing detailed and general feedback
  • Editorial suggestions to improve the manuscript
  • Additional review by a senior editor to provide insight from a publishing perspective

Connect With The Experience Sensitivity Readers

If you want to hire a sensitivity reader, you'll need to provide us with a complete manuscript or written document for us to read. Although hard copies are preferred, we will accept digital submissions as well. After carefully reviewing the text or documents, we will provide you with a comprehensive feedback report that contains our general remarks, suggestions for revisions, and an overview of any particularly problematic passages.

Many people erroneously believe that authenticity reading is a form of censorship or that the goal of an authenticity reader is to uncover flaws in a book so that it can be removed from shelves. Nevertheless, this is not the case. When they provide suggestions or draw attention to potentially difficult topics, it is not their aim to express to the writer what they cannot write. Our sensitivity reader consultations aim to assist the author in developing more believable and captivating characters.

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